Alan R. Epstein Reach for the Stars Scholarship
Scholarship Sponsored by Miami Foundation
The Alan R. Epstein ‘Reach for the Stars’ Scholarship, established by the Epstein family, serves as a tribute to the life of an exceptional young man, tragically lost in a car accident. This scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated resilience in overcoming life’s challenges.
Scholarship Criteria
The Future Lawyers Scholarship established by DRRT, an international law firm, will provide first-year law students with financial assistance as they explore their interest in pursuing a law degree. The recipient will receive a $5,000 scholarship for three years of law studies with an opportunity to intern and attend events at DRRT. To qualify , applicants must have proven financial need, must be a resident of Miami-Dade or Broward County, and be admitted to an ABA-accredited law school.
Submission + Deadline
Applications must be submitted online by Friday, April 25th at 5 p.m.
Applicants must submit an application via the Foundation’s online grants application portal. To access the online portal, please visit the Miami Foundation’s scholarship page at, and carefully review the registration instructions.
If an application is missing information, our office will not inform the applicant nor review the application. Mailed, faxed, or emailed applications will not be accepted.
In order to qualify, applicants must:
- Be a resident of Miami-Dade or Broward County
- Be admitted into an ABA-accredited law school
- Have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.5 (3.5 GPA in law school will be necessary to renew)
- Have proven financial need
- Have excellent oral and written communication skills
- Be a leader and involved within their community
- Contribute to diversity efforts through involvement in law school or other community efforts
- Demonstrate a strong interest in securities litigation, commercial or financial law
Selection Criteria
A Scholarship Advisory Committee will review and rate the applications and make final decisions on scholarship awards. The following criteria will be considered in evaluating applicants:
- Career and educational aspirations related to securities litigation, commercial or financial law
- School and Volunteer Activities / Work Experience and Community Involvement
- Letter of Recommendation
- Academic Achievement
- Financial Need
- Short Personal Video / Personal Essay Statement
The Future Lawyers Scholarship program is administered in partnership with The Miami Foundation. Applications are submitted through the Foundation’s online system and provided to the review and selection committee for The Future Lawyers Scholarship Fund.
Go to Scholarship Application